Monday, July 19, 2010

First Day

I felt like a kid walking into grade one all over again.  Walking slowly but full of purpose, yet at the same time anxious and a little bit nervous.

Today was my first day at work – my first day back to work in 2 years.  I woke up super early this morning, yet at the same time I was rushing to beat the clock to get out of the house on time.  I haven’t found my morning stride.  For the last two years, I woke up – made Hughie coffee and then spent the morning cleaning, organizing, reading blogs and Facebook.  Now, this morning I found myself running around trying to put my retainer in my nose (for my nose ring), get the dogs outside and then…inside, Sekaya in her kennel and Hughie out of the shower so we could take off for work.  By the time I got to work I was already exhausted. 

I know once I get into my routine things will be tickity-boo but until then I may just have to wake up at 5am!  (I don’t work until 9:00am)

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