Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy first day of Winter!

and...it is downpouring rain!

I'm very disappointed in the weather as of late. You would think, that after living in the GWN for two years I would be pleased with the mild wet weather. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that I'm not wearing three layers of clothes but I would love to be wearing at least one 'extra' thermal layer. I've been hoping, fingers crossed,that we would have at least a white Christmas. However when I started my car this morning my temp gage registered a balmy 4 degrees...no snow today!

I'm as ready as I can be with regards to Christmas - our tree is lined with decorations and presents adorn the floor beneath it. The dogs walk by the tree daily and give each present a little sniff, much to their chagrin their presents are not wrapped this year, but waiting for their stockings to be be hung by the fireplace.

I meant for this to be a longer Christmas related post - however work is beckoning for my return so I must go.

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